Responding to those affected by the shooting.
The horrific January 21 Lunar New Year festival shooting which left 11 people dead and nine injured affected many of us in and beyond Monterey Park profoundly. Because of his strong ties to the Taiwanese American community, Eric Chen who serves as Clerk of Session at Cultivate Church, has been working closely to provide spiritual and emotional support to some of the individuals that were present at the Star Ballroom Dance Studio at the time of the carnage and friends and families of the victims.
I am particularly moved by the fact that Eric and Gloria Fanchiang, a member of Cultivate, had stepped up to minister to people struggling with despair, confusion, and trauma. As part of my support to them, I have been in conversations with our friends at San Gabriel Presbytery. Together with San Gabriel we have also been on the phone with representatives of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, who have already started offering helpful suggestions based on the experience they have gained, seeking to bring relief in the wake of countless similar incidents.
Among the caring initiatives that Eric and Gloria are undertaking, I can highlight:
- Coordinate temporary housing for homeless survivor.
- Assist a survivor with car repair costs.
- Assist survivor in the process of applying for food stamps and other benefits.
- Help in the leadership of a prayer vigil.
- Connect population to language appropriate services.
This podcast interview with Eric will give you a better idea of the collaborative efforts. Gloria has also made her recent recordings of contemporary renditions of various Psalms available for a for a financial contribution of any amount.
Please pray for Eric and Gloria as they do this difficult work. Both have shared that they are facing difficult challenges. Also, let me invite you to help us defray some of the costs that they are incurring. Along those lines, generous donors have made donations to be used as matching funds of up to $1,200.00 (up from $ 700.00.) If you would like to do it online (through a tool provided by the Presbyterian Foundation), please use this link, choose “General Fund,” “One Time” (Under “Frequency”), and write “Fund 2029” under “Notes”.
You may also send a check to the Presbytery of San Fernando, 125 S Louise St, Glendale, CA 91205, with a note saying Fund 2029. Our office is already forwarding those gifts expeditiously.
May we continue to grow together as a Presbytery responding to the needs of our neighbors in Christ’s name during this time of pain.