Pastoral Updates

Our Presbytery is delighted to welcome two new pastors and heads of staff at La Crescenta and Granada Hill First Presbyterian Churches.

Rev. Dr. Mouris Yousef received a call from La Crescenta Presbyterian Church and came to us from the West Jersey Presbytery, where he served at First Presbyterian Church of Blackwood. This church began before the formation of this nation. He was ordained in Egypt and graduated from Western and Pittsburgh Theological Seminaries.

Rev. Dr. Lance Allen received a call from the First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills and was transferred from Los Ranchos Presbytery where he served First Presbyterian Church of Santa Ana for 22 years. He has degrees from Fuller and New York Theological Seminaries and is a member of the board of the Presbyterian Intercultural Network.

Both Mouris and Lance will start service on July 1. I covet your prayers during these transitions. I also want to express my profound appreciation to pastors Jim Sillerud for three decades of faithful leadership at Granada Hills First, and Mike Harbert for his transitional ministry at La Crescenta, as well as his outstanding support to the Committee on Ministry.

I am grateful for the gift of Sabbatical periods extended to the following pastors:

  1. Rich Poole (Faith Valley Village and Kirk O’ The Valley)- Month of June.
  2. Nick Warnes (Presbytery Staff)- Until July 16.
  3. Zac Kintner (Sherman Oaks)- Until the end of August.
  4. Mike Harbert (Presbytery Staff)- July and August.

Please also hold in prayer the Pastor Nominating Committee at First Presbyterian Church of Newhall as it goes about its important work.

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