Moderator’s Blog

Dr. Daryl Fisher-Ogden currently serves as the Moderator of our Presbytery. She earned the following degrees: BA UC Berkeley, JD UC Hastings, M Div Fuller Seminary, and PhD Univ of Notre Dame. In the past, Daryl has held teaching positions at Fuller Seminary, Pepperdine University, Bethany College, and Abraham Lincoln University. She has also served at these Presbyterian churches: Westminster (South Bend, IN), Westminster (Westlake Village), Bel Air, and First Pres., Las Vegas. She has served as Parish Associate at: Emmanuel Pres (Thousand Oaks), Moorpark Pres, Westminster Pres (Westlake Village).

By Dr. Daryl Fisher-Ogden

Presbyterians have long been known for being a connectional church. This means we are neither run by bishops higher up nor by local autonomous congregations. Rather we are connectional, which is similar to the US government. There are connections between each congregation and the regional presbytery. We are part of each other: supporting and encouraging each body as all strive to be faithful to God’s calling and to witness to the world around us.

The idea is that no one has a corner on being ‘right.’ Each body prayerfully tries to discern God’s will for given issues. We are Reformed, but always ‘reforming.’ This means that there is a chance a decision may be wrong. It can reviewed by another group that is equally prayerful in looking at the issue. Often both groups come to the same conclusion. Occasionally, there is a difference that is then discussed. It is this ’check’ that is reflected in our US government. No one body has everything right, so another body sometimes weighs in on a decision. As Presbyterians, we can be proud of our long history, even one that was picked up when founding our government.

Back when Presbyterianism started with John Knox, he realized that need for possible checks upon power. He tried to balance that need for firm decisions with the possibility that a single decision might be erroneous. While Pastors lead the congregations, Sessions are the decision-making body. No one person has authority, but rather the body has the authority. This has led to various jokes about Presbyterianism and committees. But it is in the wisdom of the collective group that God’s truth may be found—for then and in the future.

John Knox’s genius continues to be reflected in our connectionalism between congregations and the local presbytery. The Sessions are made up from members of the congregation. The presbytery is made up of Elders and Pastors from the congregations. So, it continues up to the Synod and General Assembly, as each is built on participation of Elders and Pastors. As Pogo said many years ago: we have met the other, and he is us. Presbyterians should be proud of how we back each other up when we celebrate milestones, and encourage those who need a bit of help.

Dr. Fisher-Ogden is visiting all the churches of our Presbytery. Below she is part of the congregation of Iglesia Presbiteriana Sinai, including Ruling Elder Janine Tanahuvia (to her right) Moderator of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii. 

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