It Takes a Village: Responding as God’s People in Mission

Did you know?

  • There are close to 30 leaders in our circles who have expressed interest or are pursuing ordination or commissioning for pastoral roles among us.
  • Over 2 million people in Los Angeles County struggle with food insecurity, not knowing where their next meal will come from.
  • Our congregations are joining Presbyterians in nurturing life-changing partnerships with Christians on all continents.

Whether your response is “yes” or “no,” I would like to officially welcome you to this journey called Growing Together in Mission (GTM). Over the next 23 weeks, we will build on the exciting collaborative ways in which our Presbytery is joining God’s work in three critical areas:

  1. Partnering with Emerging Leaders in the region.
  2. Addressing Food Insecurity in our cities and neighborhoods.
  3. Coming alongside the Church around the world.

As we embark on this journey, I am thrilled to share that Rev. Bill Craig, one of the pastors that constituted our Presbytery 55 years ago, has agreed to serve as honorary chairman of the campaign. You will have opportunities to hear him share his excitement about how the campaign will help us all reconnect to the call to mission that has guided us through the years.

It is important to emphasize that although we are disseminating opportunities for prayer, involvement, and support, this initiative is voluntary. Our Presbytery is already immensely grateful for how our congregations and many of the people help make our witness have a profound, comprehensive, and lasting impact. In the same way, I want to remind us all that our congregations should remain the primary focus through which we live out our stewardship and engage in mission. 

Here are some practical things that I will invite you to do as we begin:

As a community of pastors, elders and churches committed to Christ, one another, and collaborative witness, the Presbytery San Fernando has been and is continually becoming God’s response to the world’s pressing questions.  The more Christ’s purposes in the world shape us, the more we will experience vitality in our congregations, and others will continue to join us in following Jesus.

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