- I am delighted to introduce Rev. Dr. William H. Craig as the honorary Chairman. Pastor Bill was a charter member of our Presbytery fifty-five years ago and has remained an active member ever since. He embodies much of what makes us a vibrant community of faith. His longstanding commitment to Christ’s mission reflects the themes of our strategic direction, goals, and the campaign itself. He is planning to join us in person for our next meeting at Glendale Presbyterian Church in September 26. Follow this link for a biographical sketch for pastor Bill and here to a brief reflection he has kindly offered to us.
- The relationships between congregations in our Presbytery are deepening as New Worshiping Community leaders such as Dea Jenkins, Eric Sarwar and Mark Fields are preaching and teaching in established churches. We are working on defining the parameters for a program of pastoral companions that will continue to bring the New Worshiping Communities and more established churches together.
- The awareness of and direct interaction with the Mission Co-Workers we have supported as a Presbytery is already increasing. Sarah Henken (Colombia) will be preaching at Shadow Hills on July 16, Scott and Elmarie Parker (Syria/Lebanon) as well as Ryan and Alethia White (Germany, Iranian Diaspora) will be available to speak to churches and groups in our our region during the next weeks. You may follow this link for a four-minute video introduction of Ryan and Alethia.
- While the unhoused population in our communities continues to grow, staff members and volunteers of the North Valley Caring Services have made themselves available to have informative displays or moments for mission as appropriate. Please let me know if you would like to have folks focusing on addressing food insecurity in our region visit your church.
- We have made available bulletin inserts , and boxes. Individuals in nine of our churches have graciously offered to serve as go to persons for the campaign. Our more recent two-minute video clip entitled “Abiding Call in Changing Times” can be viewed here and downloaded here.