As an expression of the Christian family, Presbyterianism distinguishes itself for its intentionality in developing new leaders. Our commitment to pursuing our life and mission under the guidance of ordained elders is not unique but a practice that has shaped other distinctives, such as our emphasis on education and the intentionality in discerning the gifts present in our congregations. Because of that, I am particularly excited to share two very significant news items related to the apprentice program of our Presbytery:
Ordination: After participating in the apprentice program at First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills and receiving a call to serve as Designated Associate Pastor, Niki Rodas was “duly ordained” on July 16th. The now “Reverend” Rodas wrote the following note of gratitude to those present in the worship service:

I began this journey by entering seminary (Fuller Theological Seminary) in the fall of 2002. I became an Inquirer in the ordination process my first year; then came candidacy, and finally, I was certified and ready for a call in May 2006 before receiving my Master of Divinity in June. Since that beginning with the Presbytery of the Pacific and First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, the Lord has taken me on a multitude of adventures, including a stint in North Carolina exploring chaplaincy, marriage to my husband (Al), parenthood with the birth of our twin boys (Nathan and Peter), coordinating Advent and Lenten services, directing children’s ministries, transferring church membership and presbyteries (hello, Presbytery of San Fernando!), managing church communications, treatment for breast cancer, a pastoral apprenticeship, a year of studying Christian formation and direction, and a diagnosis of heart failure. These adventures have brought me to First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills (via First Presbyterian Church of Burbank) at this exciting time. I am very grateful to the Lord God who has graciously given me such a full (and hopefully meaningful) life.
New Apprentice: Ryan Brown was approved to become our Presbytery’s latest participant in the Apprentice Program with Kirk O’ The Valley Church in Reseda for the next two years. Having come into our circles through Cyclical Los Angeles, Ryan has also been certified as a coach by the Fuller Church Planting Institute and serves as moderator of the Session of Cultivate, our most recently chartered church. He expressed:
I am a “California Transplant,” coming from Michigan to live in Hollywood with my sister to pursue a career in music in 2011. After some years in the music industry, I shifted my focus to rebuilding my relationship with God through music. I hold degrees from Michigan State University and Fuller Theological Seminary, focusing on theology and human development.
The apprentice program is appealing because it will allow me a pathway to formalize the work God has called me to do within the Church. The training will allow me to further understand the inner workings of a successful Presbyterian church, which I anticipate will reveal ways to improve and strengthen existing structures. I look forward to working with the strong leaders within our Presbytery and to the opportunity to serve God in this capacity.

As I offer my congratulations to Niki and Ryan, I also would like to express how truly grateful I am to serve a Presbytery for which missional leadership development is more than a simple element in our Strategic Direction: The quality of our pastoral leaders helps us move forward in our goals of church vitality, including more people in worship, and engaging the diversity in our communities.
Although we have now used all the funds approved for the Apprentice program, I would also like to encourage each one of you to:
- Include this insert about our Growing Together in Mission Campaign in your church bulletin.
- Feel free to make a contribution of any amount that our Presbytery will match as part of the GTM Campaign. You can do so via check (with a note stating that it is for GTM), online or using our newly launched donation system via text messaging. Your donation will help emerging leaders take our classes towards commissioning or ordination in our Presbytery.