Our Presbytery takes our vocation of being instruments of blessing “to all the families of the earth” (Genesis 12:1) seriously. Continuing our strategic direction towards becoming more “multi-ethnic and multicultural in scope” is increasingly engaging the beautifully diverse populations of our communities and the world:
- Confessing Korean Church in Northridge is heading into its second half a century of ministry as a vibrant congregation. We are partnering with Perch Church (Pan-Asian) and Next Generation (Hispanic Millennials)
- Our Indo-Pakistani New Worshipping Community is helping begin another one in Fresno, San Joaquin Presbytery.
- Our churches are receiving several members from Hispanic, Middle Eastern and Asian backgrounds.
- Congregations worshiping in more than nine languages are nesting in our facilities.

Visit to Confessing Korean Church
In the last three years, our partnerships with congregations that the serve Hispanic community have grown from two to six:
- Iglesia Presbiteriana Sinai, Littlerock**
- Iglesia de Panorama, Panorama City**
- Tu Iglesia, Online.
- Next Generation, Los Angeles area
- Iglesia de Las Americas, Santa Clarita
- The Passion Community, Palmdale
** Started before 2020
- We continue our commitment to support the chaplaincy at USC Medical Center (Rev. Elizabeth Gibbs-Zehnder) and serve diverse low-income populations through North Valley Caring Services (Ruling Elder Manny Flores).
- Several members of our churches are joining our Presbytery in providing funds that Eric Chan and Gloria Fanchiang (members of Cultivate) are using to support people affected by the Monterey Park shooting.
- One of our New Worshiping Communities helped create a professionally produced short film that addresses the reality of addiction within Korean families and congregations.
- First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills is taking steps towards organizing gatherings in Spanish.
- New Worshiping Community leaders Dea Jenkins and Mark Fields are collaborating on a Lenten Devotional called Lent through Lamentations that will be available to all our churches.
- Our churches continue supporting Mission Co-Workers serving with partners in several continents and have rallied support through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to offer much-needed relief to the devastating earthquake at the border between Syria and Turkey.
Christ-centered diversity is not only a goal that our Presbytery takes seriously but is closely interrelated to our other two: The Spirit-driven increase in the vitality of our congregations and more people joining us in worshiping God. Together we give better expression to the longing of the psalmist:
Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you.
The earth has yielded its increase;
God, our God, has blessed us.
May God continue to bless us;
let all the ends of the earth revere him.
(Psalm 67:5-7)